What is white mumijo, known as stone oil?


In ancient times, ‘white mumijo’ was discovered by hunters who noticed animals licking stones covered in a beige resin. People immediately attributed magical powers to this substance, calling it the elixir of immortality. Over time, however, scientific evidence has emerged on the therapeutic effect of this natural product.

Today it is better know as ‘stone oil’ or ‘stone tears’.

White mumijo is a natural food supplement that has a sour taste; its main colour is white, but it can also come in various shades such as beige, brown, red and green. The colour depends on the content of various minerals.

The name ‘stone oil’ has nothing to do with the appearance of this folk medicine. It comes in the form of a powder, mineral flakes or pebbles that vary in colour.

Since ancient times, this ecological, non-toxic product has been used to treat diseases and rejuvenate the body, because it stimulates the immune system, boosts metabolism and accelerates the most important chemical reactions in the body’s cells; it is a natural antiseptic and has many healing effects.

How is it formed and extracted?

The substance comes from the surface of rocks in crevices and other well-ventilated places, where it accumulates. It is scraped from the rocks and sent for processing. Up until this point, it is entails very dangerous and difficult manual work.

The accumulated solidified drops are thoroughly cleaned and separated from stone, limestone and other mineral particles. This results in an alum that is easily soluble in water, which is not true of its interaction with alcohol and glycerin.

Because white mumijo reserves are very limited in nature and they replenish slowly, it is not very widespread. This is why it remains within the outer limits of traditional medicine. It cannot be grown in a garden like valuable ginseng. There is simply not enough volume for the industrial production of medicines in nature, which is why medicine does not consider it necessary to study its medicinal properties – investments in research, collection and production would not match anticipated profits.

Historical reference

‘White mumijo’, as it is often called, is searched for in the mountains of Central Asia, Tibet, the Altai Mountains and Siberia. In the Sayan Mountains, this substance is romantically called ‘mountain tears’, or simply – ‘mountain wax’.

This medicine known in the East by poetic names such as ‘bracshun’ (mountain juice) or ‘white stone of immortality’, is widely used today. It’s no wonder that stone oil was acquired by rulers in the past and bought for the price of gold, because it is very rare in nature; it is mostly found in Tibet and the Altai Mountains, which are located in the mountains of Central Asia. The Mongols and Chinese call stone oil bracshun, and the Burmese call it chao-tun. These words mean sap or blood of the mountain.

In some countries, white mumijo has been known since the pre-Christian era (ancient Egyptians used Illyrian resin 4,000 years ago), and Altai stone oil came to the European part of Russia through the efforts of Peter I (it was due to his efforts that this part of the Russian empire became a part of Europe). In 1777 white mumijo began to be sold in pharmacies in St. Petersburg.

Tibetan lamas have successfully used stone oil for stomach ailments, and according to Chinese mythology, stone oil is believed to be food for the immortals. To this day, there is a village in China at the foot of a moutain where the inhabitants collect stone oil and eat it. Stone oil is consumed by birds and wild animals, which are flawless indicators of the quality of food.

Chemists from the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR have conducted research on stone oil and a spectral analysis of its composition. It was found to contain more than half of the elements of the periodic table. It is not only the complex composition of the oil, it is also the optimal concentration of these substances that make it unique.

What does it contain?

Some people may confuse white mumijo (stone oil) with common mumijo, but despite the similarity of their extraction process, the effect they have on the body and their contents are different. Unlike regular mumijo, which partially consists of organic matter, stone oil is a mineral complex with over 40 microelements, but an interesting fact is that they may vary depending on certain factors such as the location and age of the rock from which the mineral is scraped.

The elements in stone oil are the result of natural leaching of the rock. The high concentration of related substances actively replenishes depleted minerals.

White mumijo contains biominerals of natural origin; it has unique properties that traditional healers have used for several thousand years.

Healing properties:

White mumijo has significant biostimulating properties. It activates metabolic processes, increases the number of red blood cells and increases haemoglobin content in the blood. The mechanism of its effect is explained by the fact that the minerals it contains are actively involved in the metabolism of water, salts, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the body, which has a positive effect on processes important for life.

  • It has strong antimicrobial effects. Silver and zinc salts affect bacteria and microorganisms, suppressing their life cycle and quickly destroying them.
  • It accelerates regeneration of any kind of tissue damage. Almost all trace elements in the oil are contained in the body’s regulatory processes in one way or another. Their daily replenishment accelerates the production of vital regenerative components.
  • It acts as an immunomodulator, strengthens the body’s defense systems and reduces allergic reactions. The immune system is strengthened thanks to additional absorption: selenium (increases cellular activity), zinc (multiple cofactors, improves immune response), magnesium (the main participant in many immune responses).
  • It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. The elements contained in the mineral complex block the enzyme cyclooxygenase, thus reducing the inflammatory process.
  • It has a rejuvenating effect. Silicon is involved in the synthesis of collagen, magnesium removes toxins from the body and selenium is a powerful antioxidant that can protect cells from free radicals that accelerate the aging process.
  • It is used as an antispasmodic and choleretic.
  • It is used as an analgesic.

White mumijo (stone oil) is a unique ingredient in our product line. It also contains extracts from Altai herbs known for their beneficial effects.