Products based on maral deer antlers – pantohematogen. Mechanisms of action and application functions.


Maral deer antlers (pantohematogen): what is it exactly?

 The maral deer is an Altai deer, one of the best known and most widespread subspecies of deer in Russia. It is a large even-toed ungulate from the deer family weighing up to 400 kg. It reaches a length of over 2.5 metres, with an average wither height of 1.7 metres.

There are two types of maral deer: the ‘Altai’ deer, which live in western Siberia and the Altai territory, and the ‘Tian Shan’ deer, which inhabits the Tian Shan Mountains in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Both species can still be found in the wild, but most of them have been bred on special maral deer breeding farms for many years.

Maral deer breeding is most widespread in the Altai Republic, which is far away from the country’s industrial areas. ‘Modern civilisation’ has not yet reached the Altai Republic, which has resulted in the preservation of a natural ecologically clean area. Optimal altitude and large stocks of feed are the most important factors for the creation of maral deer breeding farms.

Deer are also bred for their antlers in Scandinavia, Scotland and the Baltic states. The success in deer breeding in New Zealand is also worth mentioning. More than 4 decades ago, several pairs of deer were brought to the country to start their breeding. Today there is a large deer population in New Zealand thanks to this.

However, the most important fact is that products containing Altai deer antlers receive the best reviews. The truth is that the Altai air itself is particularly clean and healthy because it is rich in various chemical elements. The mountains and medicinal herbs of the Altai region that can only be found in this area and are eaten by maral deer also play an important role.


Maral deer antlers – Pantohematogen. A treasure of the Altai Republic

Maral deer antlers are young spongy antlers that have not yet ossified. The antlers are full of blood and covered with very fine velvet. When the antlers harden, this velvet disappears. The antlers are extracted from maral deer from the age of two, so one maral deer provides 12-15 pairs of antlers in his lifetime.

The antlers contain a large amount of blood vessels, so they have a strong blood supply. When the antlers reach their normal size (the 120th-150th day of their growth), the ossification (bone formation) process begins. This is when the antlers are considered to be most active.

The unique healing properties of the antlers are not accidental; the animal’s body produces a huge amount of bone tissue during their growth, and this growth rate has not been seen in any other animal!

This process requires incredible strength and a high concentration of substances that regulate the growth of this strong organ.

In addition, the antlers come from the body of a warm-blooded animal, which is why the substances they contain are identical in origin or very similar to comparable natural regulators in the human body.

The unique characteristics of Altai maral deer antlers cannot be found in any other animal, which is why they are valued all over the world. For many years, the antlers were only produced in Russia: Siberia and the Altai Republic. A small portion of antlers was used to obtain pantocrine, and the rest was sold to pharmaceutical companies in China and Korea, where they were used to prepare medicine that is in great demand around the world.

In the civilised world, products made from maral deer blood and antlers are used for medicinal purposes. Scientific research has shown that maral deer blood contains a number of substances that are beneficial to human health. These particularly include proteins, fats, macro and microelements, as well as amino acids, nucleic acids, hormone-like substances, steroids, peptides, vitamins and many other components that have not yet been scientifically studied, but undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Historical reference

The first record of the use of deer antlers was found on a silk scroll during the excavation of Genghis Khan’s tomb in China, and it dates back to 168 BC.

A recipe for medicine made from deer antlers for recovery from and prevention of over 50 different diseases was written on this scroll. In the East, people worshiped antlers for their healing power and believed deer to be sacred animals, because the antlers helped them live long and kept them wrinkle-free and completely healthy even in old age.
Antlers are known for their amazing anti-aging effect.
The ‘Jude-shee’ is an example of this; it is the oldest textbook of Tibetan medicine, in which the antlers of maral deer are mentioned as a means of increasing strength. The original inhabitants of the Altai Republic themselves may have also known about maral deer antlers and their therapeutic properties.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of maral deer antlers is very complex, containing about 40 key compounds and over 400 active substances.

Pantohematogen – Maral deer antlers – in branched form – from top to bottom, their approximate composition: 53% protein, 34% minerals, 3% lipids and 10% water. They contain 13 growth factors, 21 amino acids, 20 glycosaminoglycans and a large amount of minerals and trace elements.

Maral deer antlers – Pantohematogen contain:

  • Proteins and growth factors
    Amino acids – precursors for all protein production; they support tissue growth and tissue and muscle regeneration; Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1, 2) – precursors of growth hormone production supporting muscle growth, tissue growth and organ health; Epidermal growth factor (EGF) – a protein that stimulates cell growth. It supports collagen production, cell repair and wound healing; Collagen is a structural protein found in bones, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues and articular cartilage; TGF-A – transforming growth factor alpha; TGF-β, transforming growth factor beta; NGF – nerve growth factor; NGF-3, neurotrophic factor; BMP-4 – bone morphogenetic protein-4; Interleukins 2 and 6 are immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Hormones
    Testosterone – affects the development of bone and muscle tissue, mood and energy. Estradiol – forms the female reproductive system, balances the cycle. It balances testosterone levels in men. Dehydroepiandrosterone – stimulates the body’s production of testosterone.
  • Glycosaminoglycans
    Glucosamine sulfate – builds, maintains and repairs joint structures, including bone, cartilage, ligaments, joints and other tendons. Chondroitin sulfate – helps protect and restore degenerating cartilage and gives cartilage elasticity; it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Hyaluronic acid – a substance that binds cartilage cells together and moisturises the joints.
  • Lipids
    Phospholipids – they create cellular elements, increase cellular activity, and repair structural damage caused by free radicals, pathogens and toxins. Glycosphingolipids are compounds associated with cell growth and metabolism, memory and learning. Prostaglandins – they regulate muscle contraction and relaxation as well as inflammatory mediators.
  • Minerals
    Calcium – builds and maintains bones, teeth and nerves; it is important for muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood pressure and blood clotting. Phosphorus, a key component of metabolic reactions; it strengthens the structure of bones and teeth, and it is also important for heart and kidney function.
    Potassium is essential for electrolyte balance and muscle and nerve function. Sodium – helps the body maintain a normal balance of fluids and electrolytes. Magnesium – helps cells repair and release energy for the regular functioning of muscles and nerves.
  • Microelements
    Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that reduces infections and protects blood cells, the heart, the liver and the lungs.
    Sulfur – an element of insulin and various amino acids that protects the body from toxins. Zinc is part of over 90 enzymes needed for healthy skin, growth and wound healing.
    Copper – essential for the formation of red blood cells, bones, and the production of energy and connective tissue. Iron – necessary for blood cells that carry oxygen through the body
    Cobalt – used in anaemic patients and to stimulate the production of new red blood cells. A necessary element for vitamin B12 synthesis.
  • Vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
  • and other elements
    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors – an enzyme that prevents the oxidation of neurotransmitters, improving mood and inducing a feeling of well-being.
    Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by specialised cells in the kidneys to stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Although these beneficial ingredients are well known, it is believed that their complex use provides maximum benefit – this is the reason for the effectiveness of deer antlers. Specific substances rarely act alone, and the consumption of an effective holistic diet is better than taking isolated elements, whether synthetic or natural.


Maral deer antlers value. What’s this riddle?

In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean medicine, the antlers of Altai maral deer have been considered an elixir of youth since ancient times. The blood contained in the antlers is the most valuable. Pantohematogen is extracted from dried maral deer blood collected at the end of antler growth. The extraction technology makes it possible to preserve all biologically active substances. Blood is taken during the planned spring trimming of antlers; this procedure is painless and harmless to the deer. Low-temperature vacuum drying preserves the biological activity of the raw material to the maximum extent.

Pantohematogen – maral deer antlers contain the most important amino acids, trace elements, proteins, vitamins and phospholipids. It activates microcirculation of the blood, cellular metabolism, increases blood circulation and reduces inflammation.

The main advantage of maral deer antlers – is the strong energy potential, and the main feature of antler products is the ability to optimise energy processes in the body.

Pantohematogen has the great ability to penetrate deep into the cell and trigger natural rejuvenation mechanisms. Its effects are strong even at small doses.

The ingredients indicate that the product contains a large group of substances with significant nutritional value, many of which are also highly active regulators of important physiological functions.

Maral deer antlers – Pantohematogen – also have a number of specific properties, including an effect on sexual function and on the growth, development and renewal of various organs and tissues. This feature is particularly pronounced in relation to bone tissue and white blood cell production. Pantohematogen accelerates the healing of fractures, stimulates ossification processes, and increases the amount of white blood cells (leukocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes) in the event of impaired production or increased mortality due to various diseases and extreme effects (consequences of chemotherapy, chronic inflammatory diseases, difficult surgery or chronic fatigue syndrome).


MEDICINAL EFFECTS: what is it used for?

 Products containing maral deer antlers – pantohematogen have a complex effect on the human body, stimulating the work of all vital systems.


  • stronger immune system, lower risk of illness
  • accelerated skin healing after injuries, increased bone healing rate in the case of fractures
  • slower aging process, increased efficiency and mental activity
  • improved sleep, digestion and cardiovascular system function
  • increased muscle mass, increased efficiency during physical exertion or sports
  • activated leukocyte production, normalisation of hormone levels
  • increased libido, lower risk of urogenital disorders

Maral deer antlers – pantohematogen affects the function of the brain. Its use improves intellectual abilities and brain activity in general. It reduces stress. It helps you remember events that occurred better.

Maral deer antlers – pantohematogen is used in the case of serious injury, after surgery and in the case of long-term illness. It stimulates cell regeneration and accelerates tissue healing. Bones grow faster.

Pantohematogen can be taken for preventative reasons. It minimizes the negative impact of sudden changes in temperature, weather changes, poor nutrition or a polluted environment. It is best to start taking it out of season or in the case of severe physical or mental stress. People who take Maral deer antlers have increased resistance to stress.

It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, optimising blood composition and lowering blood pressure. It is used as a tonic; it has anti-inflammatory, regenerative properties.

It is a great antidepressant that is not addictive. It helps the body adapt, especially when one is overworked and performs a monotonous activity, it increases mental and physical performance, and it has a positive effect on sexual function in the case of disorders caused by age-related changes.

It has long been known to maintain a man’s strength even in old age. In the East it is still considered to be the only effective means of prolonging youth, a folk remedy for longevity; it helps men live long lives without any urological diseases – prostatitis, impotence, urethritis.

We recommend Pantohematogen – maral deer antlers


  • you work in harmful conditions
  • you often move between places with significantly different climatic conditions
  • you have a mentally challenging job
  • you are elderly
  • you need to accelerate healing after an injury or surgery
  • you don’t handle stressful situations well
  • you are often ill, your immune system weak

in these cases, medication and supplements containing pantohematogen – maral deer antlers are the best solution!

It is a natural source of beneficial substances that is unsurpassed in its unique biological ability to heal the human body.

Based on the book by N.I. Suslov, Yu.G. Guryanov titled ‘Products based on pantohematogen – maral deer antlers. Mechanisms of action and application functions.’

