Mumiyo in questions and answers

What is Mumie

Mumie is an organic product of rocks, but even scientists argue about its exact origin. To date, they adhere to the version that mumie – this fossilised products of decomposition of plant and animal remains.
Collected in the mountains mumie called raw. It is cleaned from grass, sand and those very waste, crushed and poured water. After some time, the liquid is strained and evaporate the remaining moisture.
The chemical composition of mumie differs depending on the region where the deposit is located. It is known that about 80% of the product consists of humic acids, and the remaining 20% – it is amino acids, including glycine, fatty acids, calcium, potassium and magnesium, organic acids and heavy metals.


What are the differences between the different types of mumiyo

There are so many types of mumie that it can be confusing. For example, it is distinguished by the colour, which is obtained after purification: the so-called golden mumie it is reddish, silver – white, black – dark brown, copper – dark blue. Or on the deposit: Altai, Pamir, Himalayan and so on. Scientists distinguish classes of mumie depending on the composition and how it is formed: koprolitovoe – with a large amount of organic matter, evaporitovoe – consisting mainly of minerals, and others.
Shilajit, bragshun, chao-tun – all these words that came from different languages, can be combined by the concept of ‘mumie’, but they are not synonyms. Their composition, method of extraction and even the appearance will differ.
In Russia, the most popular Altai mumie. It refers to organic.


What is useful mumie

The healing properties of mumie have been known since the time of Aristotle and Avicenna. They treated almost all diseases. Today, mumie is positioned as a means of folk medicine and bio-additive. Manufacturers emphasise its restorative and anti-inflammatory properties and recommend its use for the treatment of colds and skin diseases, as well as to strengthen bones, including for early fracture healing.


Studies on the benefits of mumijo

Studies have been conducted, but either only on animals or on a small sample of people.
For example, the effects of mumijo on the cardiovascular system were studied on 30 students from the National Institute of Ayurveda in India. After taking the drug for 45 days, they recorded an increase in ‘good’ cholesterol in the blood and a decrease in ‘bad’.
A study on patients with Alzheimer’s disease showed an improvement in subjective indicators. But the participants were only sixteen, and in parallel with mumie they took B vitamins.
The potential of mumie for the treatment of male infertility studied on 60 participants without a control group. Positive changes they had, in particular increased testosterone levels and improved spermatogenesis.
In the USSR, the effect of mumie on bone tissue studied Uzbek traumatologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Adyl Shakirov. His experiments on rabbits showed amazing results: after fractures, the bones in the animals fused twice as fast. 


Stone oil ‘CARLAINE’
The modern rhythm of life determines its own rules. Therefore, stone oil ‘CARLAINE’ is produced in the most suitable form – in the form of capsules and counts 7 items. In addition to white mumie, the capsules contain various useful components that enhance its action depending on the purpose. Familiarise yourself with all the products of this series you can on our website in the section ‘Mineral Complex’.
How to use stone oil ‘CARLAINE’ is very simple: you need to take 1 capsule once a day in the morning and wash it down with water. Each package contains 30 capsules and is designed for exactly one course of use.